Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Unchanging Classroom

This week I sat through a presentation for my masters program about the history of education, and there was a very astonishing fact brought about. In the history of education the classroom is ultimately unchanged. Lets take a look at what I mean...

 school in the 1800's- desks in rows with a teacher's desk at the front

 school in 1937- desks in rows

 school in 1988- this is when I was born. Desks are still in rows, whiteboard and teacher at the front of the room

 school in 2006- when I graduated High School. desks are still in rows, whiteboard, and ceiling mounted projector

 school in 2015- desks in groups in rows, whiteboard and teacher at the front

It was shocking to see exactly how little the school classrooms have changed in over 200 years! Why hasn't there been a greater change? Grocery stores, dentist offices, and even jails have gone through changes over the years. The professor,of the presentation, made a point- if you walked into an dentist office operating like it did in the 1800's (see picture below) would you stay for the procedure? Absolutly not! So, why do we expect better results, deeper thinking, and higher learning from schools designed in the 1800's?

 dentist office in early 1800's (yikes!)

Sunday, February 8, 2015

New Tech Tool

This week I am encouraging you to check out new tech tool: OSMO

This is an iPad accessory that takes gaming to a new level. The attachment comes with a tangram, spelling, and newton games. You're thinking cool I have those apps already. No, this takes the learning off the screen. OSMO's technology bridges virtual and real life playing. One or many children can play on a table and it reflects onto the iPad gaming platform. It takes the student away from touching the screen to physically touching and manipulating pieces with their hands. I have never seen something like this. I am new to technology in the classroom, but this is amazing and I want one for my classroom now! 

Want to know more?! Check out their website and see how this tool is being used in the classroom. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Kindergarten Technology

      I continue in my journey of learning about technology and how it is being used in the classroom. This week I read a book iStudent by Mark Barnes. I also successfully created a Delicious account and figured out how to send tweets to different groups.
      I have been exposed to many resources, ideas, and suggestions on how to use technology in the classroom. They have me excited and wanting to try new things. However, most of what I found are for grades second and higher. What about our youngest grades? How can I use more technology into my kindergarten class?
      I found a great article on that answers that very question! So for all my fellow kindergarten teachers, take a minute to read this article and learn how we can use more technology too!

Please share additional ideas or comments in my comments box below!